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April 21, 2011


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It is this weekend. I've already dropped out. I need to get healthy for the DK.

Good luck Don and Zack!

Good luck guys

me too, i'll wish you guys good luck. i hope the weather doesn't suck too bad, but it's not lookin to good. never the less, nothin you can do about it but to enjoy the experience.

You guys are freaks...but bad asses for doing this. Good luck!

Good luck Crazies!

Good luck guys!

Good luck fellas. Sorry to hear you are not well Stoney. I know you were looking forward to this. Get healthy for the DK.

Good Luck! have Fun!

If you wanna keep track of the guys at TI, you can follow a live feed from the race director (Guitar Ted) on twitter right here:


Or if you aren't into tweeting or being tweeted at (or is it "Twat at"???), you can listen to some radio updates on the race director's blog right here:


Just DON'T email the guy or make comments or otherwise harass the guy about Zack or Don. He'll kinda be busy, and he's made it clear that he'll update whatever he can and whenever he can.

man, don't do this to us. the suspense is killing me. what the hell happened over the weekend. inquiring minds wanta know.

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